Always do the hard thing


Once upon time when I had a twitter, I would constantly harp about doing hard things.

I can do hard things.

It was kinda like a mantra for me. For some time, people were slightly concerned, others a little mystified, and one person made a couple innuendos. But no one ever really asked what I meant. I wish I had explained then. Perhaps I could have changed someone’s life in some way.

When I said “I can do hard things.” I meant the scary things. The things no one really wants to do.

There are people who look away when the needle sticks when the nurse draws your blood but I watch. It’s gross and makes my stomach turn, but I still watch. It was always little things like that. But sometimes the big things as well.

One time, I got on a roller coaster for the first time. I was scared, both before, during, and after. Yet, when they asked me if I wanted to go again, I said, “Yes.” despite being afraid before. I said yes.

But why?

Because I wanted to do the things that scared me. I wanted to confront my fears. I wanted to be brave.

It was the easy things that terrified me. Like talking on the phone to someone I had romantic feelings for. I could barely utter a hello. I was kinda backwards in that way. Someone even said that once. “You’re backwards.

I knew they meant it in an off putting way, however, I have always felt that I had a very good skill in doing the hard things. Walking away from someone even though I didn’t want to, for example. I wasn’t always trying to do the easy thing. The hard things were often times necessary.

To be strong means to live

When we confront our fears, demons, or what have you, that makes you stronger. I’d like to think I am a very strong person. In some experiences, it wasn’t always by choice, but a necessity. To be strong means to live.

If you give up, then what is left? Nothing. You get nowhere and you get nothing. No self satisfaction, no growth, you stay perfectly still. Immovable and inflexible. Who would want to be that?

The thing about life is you will often go through phases. There will always be good days and bad ones, but it is always important to continue to face those hard days. You are strong, you may not think so, but if you will it, you can get through anything. So do the hard thing now, and wait for the easier days to come.

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