When we were kids and someone asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up, we often thought of something like an astronaut, doctor, movie star, singer, or my personal favorite knife juggler at the circus. No career was too extreme in our childlike mind. We could reach for the stars. Some of us did reach for those very stars and some of us may have landed amongst the clouds. Still a long way from home, almost within reach, but now some of us are kinda looking at those comets passing by. How about that moon? Is that a black hole? Oh we have gone too far… Where are we?
Yup, you’ve guessed it. You have become lost. You remembered what you wanted before and now it seems almost unattainable. Is it even worth it? You might ask. What if I’m too old? Another thought nudges you. Or worse, What if I am not good enough? Okay. We get it, we get it. So here we are, hovering in space with our thoughts swimming around us as our little planet and solar system swims throughout the milky way.
You might be wondering why you are so lost, looking back at all the steps you made. Careful twists and turns, steering and guiding you to meet your destination today. Now you begin to ponder, maybe you don’t get paid enough. Maybe your career is something you settled with. For whatever reason, you aren’t happy where you are, and you are looking for a change. I’m here to tell you right now that change is good. Often times, we want change but we are afraid to take that first step. Whether it is going back to school, quitting your job, or initiating a break up. It’s scary stuff. The thing is, it doesn’t have to be. Change can be exciting. Moving, even. It forces us to prioritize ourselves, our needs, and our own happiness, and shouldn’t that be the ultimate goal in life? To be happy? If the word change is scary, then what about happy? The first step you take in making that change is really the first step to being happy.
When we break past that first barrier, we begin to put trust in ourselves. Hey I did it! I did the scary thing! Congratulate yourself, celebrate your voyage to fulfillment. You begin to think about how because you were able to do the hard, scary thing, and now you are capable of anything. When it comes to changing your career, it’s a hard thing. What if you just finished years of law school, only to realize you didn’t really like being lawyer, now you’re looking at being a florist, it’s what you always wanted, and now you are kicking yourself in the foot. But I’m settled, I have a good job, I have a family. The problem with that thinking is that you have decided to put everyone else’s needs above your own. Although it’s good to think of others, it’s not good to think of others at the detriment of your own happiness. My motto in life, is do what makes you happy. Share what makes you happy. Let your family know. Ease yourself and the people around you into letting them understand that Hey, I’m going for it! Let others guide, help, or support you.
Do a lot of research, Put in the work
Find out what it is you need to get the ball going. You want to be a nurse? Begin nursing school. Where can I get the money? Check your local schools, check financial aid, and ask about options to finance your schooling. It may seem daunting, but everyone who chose the career you are trying to attain made those same choices. Now it is time to make yours. Making change means putting in the work. Find a way in. When you want something bad enough, you have to want it more than anything. It is not enough to just want change to happen, you have to make it happen. Look at your options, and find the way in.
Discipline is key. When you find yourself in the thick of it, remember why you chose to be. Those dreams of being the best chef in Boston aren’t going to happen overnight unless you work at it every single day. There may be days where you feel tired, you might even begin to slack off by binge watching The Bear, and slowly started to distract yourself from work. Remember, it’s good to take breaks, your body needs it! But remember your path, find a healthy outlet. Journal your thoughts, do some calm meditation and when you feel good, get back in. You got this.
You are not old, you are in your prime
One thing to understand right away is that you are never too old to start over again. You’ve heard of J. K. Rowling finding success with Harry Potter in her 30s, or Toni Morrison writing her first novel at 40, or Julia Child writing her first cookbook at 50. Age has no limit on what you can accomplish. The time to start is now. Think of where you could be tomorrow. You thought about making a change, you applied to your degree program and added classes. Tomorrow you wake up realizing you are on your way. It all started because of that one moment. That moment is now.
You might mourn lost time, but the problem is focusing on the past rather than the present and the future. Let go of your mistakes, sometimes life leads us to different pathways to discover who we are so that we are prepared for moments like these. Our time is now. What is meant for you has found you now at this point in time. From the moment you had wanted to create change was the moment you became ready for change. Also, who’s to say that the time you spent working at a balloon shop was a waste of time? Maybe you met a great coworker there, maybe it made you understand how to work with people through customer service. There’s always something to take away from an experience. You did not lose anything, you gained something. Use that to your advantage and let it propel you forward.
You are more than enough.
There’s a period there for a reason. You are more than enough. Full stop.
Comparison is the thief of joy. Another topic that will be explored in my next post. You have what it takes to make your dreams a reality. With time on your side (you’re in your prime!), dedication and discipline (you got this!), and being your authentic self (seriously, there is only one you, amazing isn’t?), why wouldn’t you be able to shoot for the moon? Or at least land among the stars?
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